Home • Live Courses • BSL : British Sign Language ‘Next Steps’ with Lindsey – Part 3
Available spaces: 226
Host: Lindsey Barrell
Join Lindsey in her Next Steps courses for BSL. These courses are for those who have already completed her beginners courses who want to delve further into the language including how to have conversations. We suggest for this course that you have your webcam turned on as we make use of the break out rooms in Zoom so that you can learn how to understand signs as well as converse more fluidly in BSL.
Please note, each part of this series requires a separate booking. If you're unable to attend the live session, you can book the on-demand version, which will be accessible within 48 hours.
BSL is the preferred sign language used in the United Kingdom by the deaf community. Lindsey has been signing for 13 years and has been supporting deaf students in schools and has already had great success in supporting other WI groups through their BSL learning journey. Come along and work your way through her courses and perhaps join in our BSL socials to learn how to converse with other signers.
Zoom log in details will be included at the bottom of your confirmation email after you have registered.
Please note, each part of this series requires a separate booking. If you're unable to attend the live session, you can book the on-demand version, which will be accessible within 48 hours.
(If you do not receive a confirmation email please check your spam/junk email boxes or sign into the 'Your Account' section of the Learning Hub website to retrieve all of your booking and course information)
Please note, this session will be recorded and available to view after the session within 48 hours of it taking place. You will be able to locate it under our Access Anytime courses list and you will be able to watch it flexibly in your own time for the subsequent 7 days.
The WI Learning Hub is part of the ongoing commitment of the NFWI and Denman Trust, to provide WI members flexible access to education. Non-WI members can continue to access a number of courses available on the Hub for a charge; if you would like to find out more about joining the WI movement, visit thewi.org.uk
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