Home • Live Courses • NFWI Training : Federation Safeguarding Officer Training
Available spaces: 11
Host: Ros Smith
This session is exclusively for Federation Safeguarding Officers
Join tutor Ros for this session designed to complete Federation Safeguarding Officers (FSOs) training, following on from the e-learning module. The aim of this session is to provide participants with the knowledge around safeguarding adults required to undertake the role of an FSO. To promote confidence in dealing with issues and concerns and to explore the possible outcomes of situations that could arise, with a focus on the practicalities of keeping people safe and the NFWI’s policy and procedures.
This session will include:
NFWI Training is partnering with the Ann Craft Trust to offer this workshop.
More information about The Ann Craft Trust:
The Ann Craft Trust (ACT) is a leading national charity which exists to minimise the risk of abuse of adults. Through pioneering training, practice reviews and contributing to world-leading research, we support organisations to safeguard adults and minimise the risk of harm.
We believe that everyone has the right to be treated with respect and dignity and that everyone deserves to be safe.
Please ensure that you complete the e-learning modules prior to attending the live session to underpin your knowledge and understanding which will be built upon in the live session.
Zoom log in details will be included at the bottom of your confirmation email after you have registered.
(If you do not receive a confirmation email please check your spam/junk email boxes or sign into the 'Your Account' section of the Learning Hub website to retrieve all of your booking and course information)
The WI Learning Hub is part of the ongoing commitment of the NFWI and Denman Trust, to provide WI members flexible access to education. Non-WI members can continue to access a number of courses available on the Hub for a charge; if you would like to find out more about joining the WI movement, visit thewi.org.uk
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