
Mexican Cuisine

These courses are an access anytime e-learning resource provided free of charge by The Devilled Egg Cookery School which anyone can join.

Food is usually best when it’s fresh, and bread is the perfect example. Think of the wonderful flavours and textures you get with fresh bread, everything about it is more delicious and satisfying. Tortillas are no exception – they’re just flatbreads after all – easy and quick to make, and definitely best eaten fresh.

250g masa harina

320ml just boiled water

1 teaspoon of oil

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Mexican street food is very popular these days – it combines ancient traditional elements with modern flavours, ingredients and presentation.

You can use an array of different toppings, for this video, we will be topping with corn and seared tuna.

1 large tuna steak (350-400g)
2 tablespoons of smoked paprika
2 corn on the cob
1 lime
Chilli oil
Coriander leaves and dried chilli flakes to decorate


150g masa harina
Large pinch salt
1 teaspoon of smoked paprika
1 tablespoon of dried oregano
100-150ml cold water
1 tbsp rapeseed oil


1 large bunch of coriander
1 green chilli
1 lime
50-70ml avocado oil
Large pinch of salt

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