

These courses are an access anytime e-learning resource provided free of charge by The Devilled Egg Cookery School which anyone can join.

Home made fresh pasta is unbeatable and surprisingly simple to make. The process is also quite therapeutic.

This demonstration will show you how to make Cavatelli and Tagliatelle by hand.


200g ‘00’ flour
1 teaspoon of olive oil
2 eggs

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This time we make pasta in an electric mixer, making the process quite swift and straight forward.

We tackle flavoured dough and will make Farfalle and stuffed Tortellini.

200g ‘00’ flour
1 teaspoon of olive oil
2 eggs
Added flavourings:
1 teaspoon of beetroot powder
1 tablespoon of beetroot juice

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In this session we will make a large ravioli, a stunning starter which always seems to surprise and delight everyone who tries it.
A parcel of pasta with a delicious cheese filling is already pretty exciting, but put an egg yolk inside, which bursts and mixes with the sauce on the plate, and you’ve got a cracking and really memorable dish.

200g ‘00’ flour
1 teaspoon of olive oil
2 eggs
Bunch of basil leaves
4 egg yolks


1/2 courgette, grated
1 large tablespoon of of ricotta
Black sesame seeds (or other seeds) for decoration
Zest from 1 lemon
Pinch of salt and pepper


For the dressing:
1 passionfruit
Pinch of salt
1 tablespoon of olive or rapeseed oil
1/2 lemon

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