
Nicola Lighterness

Nicola LighternessNicola is a social media manager and consultant, working for creative agency Blue Serif for the past 8 years. Nicola has worked with a variety of brands in the B2B, B2C and charity sectors, helping them to improve and elevate their social media.

As well as day-to-day management of brands’ channels she also runs social media training sessions, audits and workshops.

Nicola lives in Essex with her husband and young son, and is a proud committee member of her WI, where she also looks after the social media channels.

When she’s not at WI events (which is often!) Nicola can usually be found out and about with her son, reading or crocheting. She hopes to help WI members to elevate their social media with some very simple quick wins and best practices, which they can take back and implement when promoting their WIs.

PRESS HERE to view Nicola’s upcoming courses

PRESS HERE to catch up with Nicola’s previous sessions if available in our On Demand listings