These courses are an access anytime e-learning resource provided free of charge with Open Learn which anyone can join.
This course aims to support anyone affected by the menopause, whether experiencing it firsthand or supporting someone who is. It's inclusive regardless of gender, recognising the diverse impacts of this phase. The course empowers by increasing understanding of menopause, treatment options, and lifestyle influences on health during mid-life and beyond. It's particularly beneficial for those in perimenopause, menopause (no periods for 12 months), or post-menopause experiencing ongoing symptoms.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
- appreciate what defines menopause, the various stages and the range of symptoms associated
- understand what happens to hormone levels during menopause and the effects of these changes
- understand the effects of menopause on cognitive function, mood and mental health
- challenge some of the traditional beliefs and views about menopause.
Course duration : 12 hours
You can start this course straight away. Please follow the link in your confirmation email to take you directly to the course.
This is an access anytime e-learning resource provided free of charge in association Open Learn
(If you do not receive a confirmation email please check your spam/junk email boxes or sign into the ‘Your Account’ section of the Learning Hub website to retrieve all of your booking and course information)
All Open Learn courses and have been shared by permission of The Open University copyright © and have been licensed for use under the ‘Creative Commons ‘Attributions; Non-Commercial; Share Alike’ License.
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This course will introduce social model approaches to health and wellbeing, which take as their starting point not the scientific context of the body, but the social context in which women live. The focus is on women and the impact of social and cultural factors on women's health. The course touches on various issues concerning women's health, such as abortion, periods, the menopause, mental health and fertility.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
- understand the impact of social and cultural contexts on women
- describe how the women's movement has influenced the health and social care sector
- identify pertinent health issues in the field of women's health.
Course duration : 3 hours
You can start this course straight away. Please follow the link in your confirmation email to take you directly to the course.
This is an access anytime e-learning resource provided free of charge in association Open Learn
(If you do not receive a confirmation email please check your spam/junk email boxes or sign into the ‘Your Account’ section of the Learning Hub website to retrieve all of your booking and course information)
All Open Learn courses and have been shared by permission of The Open University copyright © and have been licensed for use under the ‘Creative Commons ‘Attributions; Non-Commercial; Share Alike’ License.
For full information about the Open University visit Home | OpenLearn – Open University.
For any further questions or clarification around usage, visit Frequently asked questions | OpenLearn – Open University
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