
Welcome to Module A of the WI Core Training – Introduction to the WI. 


We’re excited to guide you through this series of core modules, designed to give you an in-depth understanding of the WI as an organisation. In this introductory module, you’ll learn about the WI’s history, structure, constitutional framework, and how we work together to make a difference. By the end, you’ll have a strong understanding of the WI’s mission and how it supports your role.   

Whether you are in a key federation or WI role, this training is designed to give you an overview of the organisation before moving on to the training specific for your role. 

This module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete, plus any additional reading you may need to undertake. 

If you have any queries regarding the training, please contact the NFWI Learning & Development Team: wilearninghub@nfwi.org.uk  

Please find the video below for you to watch, followed by the short test for you to complete before moving onto Module B: 

Core Module A - Introduction to the WI

Federation Trustee: 

As a federation trustee you will require a good understanding of the way the national federated charity operates in order to access the benefits for your charity and your members, to play an active part in the long-term development of the organisation as a whole, and to ensure you can access any support you need from the national charity via the NFWI staff team. You should also have a good understanding of the charitable objectives, WI values, and the WI Mission statement, and carry this through the work you do within the federation. 

WI Adviser: 

As a WI Adviser you will need to ensure that WIs are set up well from the outset and understand their purpose. We want our WIs and members to feel part of, and proud of the movement they are joining. It will be part of your role to help new WIs embed the WIs values into their activities and approach, to support a positive culture, and using the vision to help WIs create a great member experience that works for them now, and continues to reach new members, for instance:  

  • How to develop a varied programme of speakers, activities and events  
  • How to appeal to a diverse group of women 
  • How to deliver the programme in a flexible way   
  • How to talk about their WI experience and what the charity does  
  • How to represent the WI at the right events to attract new members and from a wide variety of communities.   

Test Your Knowledge

Please enter your details to complete this test.

NFWI will be able to track your progress and upon completion of the final module of your online training, you will receive a certificate.