Welcome to Module C of the WI Core Training – Policies & Procedures.
We’re excited to guide you through this series of core modules, designed to give you an in-depth understanding of the WI as an organisation. In this module, we will look at the resources that are available and particularly our policies and procedures. Some are compulsory, some optional and others are for guidance, but most importantly federations and WIs need to know about these policies, and which need to be put into practice
Whether you are in a key federation or WI role, this training is designed to give you an overview of the organisation before moving on to the training specific for your role.
This module will take approximately 45 minutes to complete, plus any additional reading you may need to undertake.
If you have any queries regarding the training, please contact the NFWI Learning & Development Team: wilearninghub@nfwi.org.uk
Please find our video below for you to watch, followed by the short test for you to complete before moving onto the training specific for your role:
Core Module C - Policies & Procedures
WI Policy and Guidance:
Slide 4:
WI Handbook:
Slide 5:
Data Protection Guidance:
Slide 6:
Trademark Guidelines:
Fundraising Guidelines:
NFWI Social Media Code of Conduct:
Federation Trustee:
You will need a good understanding of what is required of your federation in terms of legal and regulatory requirements and NFWI policies and which elements can be tailored to meet the differing needs of members in your geographical area.
A policy explains what an organisation does and how it does it. A procedure is how the policy is put into practice. The NFWI’s policies set out our organisational position on certain matters, what we stand for, and explain what is expected of our members. Some of these are compulsory and must be applied in your federation, some provide templates for policies you must hold within your federation.
WI Adviser:
As a WI Adviser you are not responsible for delivering these policies in your WIs, but it is important you are aware of them and can explain them as well as signposting your WIs to the right place for any specific enquiries.
All the guidelines are available on My WI and as a WI Adviser you should be familiar with them as you will need to cover all the policies when you open a new WI and be on hand for any enquiries when a new WI is up and running, until it is established.
However, please note that importantly, it is never you as a WI Adviser who is expected to address or pick up the enquiries. In all cases there is always someone to signpost to, for example your federation office, Federation Safeguarding Officer/National Safeguarding Officer or the NFWI staff team.
Test Your Knowledge
Please enter your details to complete this test.
NFWI will be able to track your progress and upon completion of the final module of your online training, you will receive a certificate.