Welcome to module 1 of the WI Adviser online training.
In this module we will share some information about The WI, our history, our purpose more commonly known as the charitable objects , our values, how the WI achieves its charitable objects, explore our theory of change, explore our theory of change diagram, the organisation structure and finally our strategic vision. We hope that by the end of the session you will have a good understanding of the organisation which is crucial to you role.
This module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
It is recommended that you undertake further reading from the WI Handbook and contact the membership team should you have any questions via email at: membership@nfwi.org.uk
Please find the video below for you to watch, followed by the short test for you to complete before moving onto Module 2:
Module 1 - Structure of the WI
WI Adviser Transcript Module 1 press to download the transcript
WI Handbook:
PRESS HERE to sign into MyWI to access the WI Handbook
WI History:
PRESS HERE to read more about the history and mission of the WI
Test Your Knowledge
Please enter your details to complete this test.
NFWI will be able to track your progress and upon completion of the final Module of your online training, you will receive a certificate.

WI Adviser Training V1-2024