
On this page you will find some useful documents to help in your role as federation secretary or federation trustee.

If you have any specific queries please contact NFWI Board Secretary on boardsecretary@nfwi.org.uk 


Federation Trustee Training

The Federation Trustee E-learning package offered by NFWI is now under review. In the meantime, trustees can access training through Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAEW).

Please click the below link to download a step by step guide on how to access the ICAEW Trustee Training package.

WI Adviser Online Training

The WI Adviser online course is part of the NFWI’s ongoing commitment to working in partnership with federations, offering additional support and guidance across the National Federation.

The course has been designed to equip WI Advisers with the knowledge and tools needed to ensure WIs comply with the organisation’s legal and constitutional requirements. In addition to this online training, it is expected that those new to the role will spend time shadowing experienced WI Advisers within their federation. It is important to note that individuals must be officially appointed by their federation to carry out the role of a WI Adviser.

WI Adviser Online Training is available to book on our website: Book Now