
Federation Secretary and Trustee Resources

On this page you will find some useful documents to help in your role as Federation Secretary or Federation Trustee.

If you have any specific queries please contact NFWI Board Secretary on boardsecretary@nfwi.org.uk 


Please click the below link to download the Federation Trustee Code of Conduct

Click here to download

Please click the below link to download the election process document

Click here to download

Please click the below link to download the declaration 

Click here to download

Please click the below link to download the Charity Commission document ‘The Essential Trustee: What you need to know, what you need to do’

Click here to download

Please click the below link to download the guidance notes on Trustee Benefit/Conflict of Interest

Click here to download

Please click the below link to download the PowerPoint slides from this workshop

Click here to download

Please click the below link to download the guidance on checking and setting up usernames and passwords on the MCS (for federations only)

Click here to download

Please click the below link to download the guidance notes for WIs applying to register with the Charity Commission

Click here to download


The Federation Trustee E-learning package offered by NFWI is now under review. In the meantime, trustees can access training through Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAEW).

Please click the below link to download a step by step guide on how to access the ICAEW Trustee Training package.

Click here to download

Please click the below link to download the WI Adviser FAQs

Click here to download

Please click the below link to download a step by step guide on how to access and complete the WI Adviser Training

Click here to download